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Zero Networks

As a contractor for Zero Networks, I rebuilt their corporate website, transitioning it from WordPress to ExpressionEngine. I refined the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a flexible system with reusable modules for quick page development. I also developed JavaScript components like a custom video player, carousel, text typing effect, and a job portal using the Comeet API.


Brought on as contractor, I helped Anomali build out a new corporate website. The project included refining the HTML, CSS and Javascript into a system that is highly flexible with reusable modules that enable fast development of pages. I also built a handful of JavaScript modules including a sorting and filtering stylized list module.


With Caringo I acted in a front-end designer / UX developer role. I bridged the gap between the design team and the development team helping ensure that mockups and plans for two applications were realistic and achievable given our development timeframe. I was also resposnible with building out reusable front-end modules that the development team could plug in as needed to quickly build out application interfaces.

I was on the design team with BuildASign working with a team of designers and developers working on projects such as refining the core BuildASign e-commerce website, building new products and building out marketing emails. I was a part of the team that launched new products such as


As you may, or may not, have gathered my name is Justin Coleman. I'm a front-end designer based out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

My passion is in bridging the gap between designers and developers. My grasp of design methodologies, coupled with my experience writing front-end code lets me understand both sides and bring the two closer together creating a smoother workflow.

I thoroughly enjoy building mobile-first, responsive websites and applications. I have applied my skills in numerous fields including e-commerce, non-profit, big data, cybersecurity and agency work.

Professonal Timeline


  • Senior Front-end Developer


    July 2020 - Current

    Spearheaded development of Salesforce campaigns for direct-to-consumer marketing, collaborating with a growing team to refine processes and maintain a large campaign workload

  • Senior Front-end Developer


    November 2016 - July 2020

    In my role at Cyren I work as a part of the Digital Studio which is an internal group servicing multiple areas of the company. Our primary focus is building web-based marketing materials (websites, tools and emails) for the company. In my time at Cyren I have led numerous initiatives to rebuild the corporate website, refactor codebases and increase overall demand generation for the company.

  • UX Developer


    April 2012 - October 2016

    In my role at Caringo I was primarily responsible for bridging the gap between the design and development sides of the UI team. I was also tasked with nearly all CSS styling across multiple projects.

  • Front-end Developer


    Feb. 2012 - April 2012

    In February of 2012 I was promoted at BuildASign and tasked with more responsibilities including leading the front-end build out of new features for existing sites, leading the front-end development of new properties and continued to work on most of the companies critical HTML emails, among other tasks.

  • Jr. Front-end Developer


    Mar. 2011 - Feb. 2012

    At BuildASign I worked as a junior developer handling almost all of the companies HTML email campaigns, fixing bugs on the companies various websites and assisting with building new sites.

  • Web Production Specialist


    Aug. 2010 - Feb. 2011

    In my role at the Texas Association of School Boards I was tasked with numerous jobs including, but not limited to: e-mail newsletter development, 3rd party e-commerce site integration, web application development, and best-practices research.

  • Front-end Developer


    May 2010 - Dec. 2010

    After college I used my newfound skillset to work with a handful of local (Austin, TX) web design/development agencies in helping them build out sites for clients.



Here is where I feel my skillset is, in ambigious chart form, for a few selected technologies that might interest you. As you can see, I feel strongest in (and favor) HTML, CSS, Sass and jQuery.

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • jQuery

  • Sass/Scss

  • Bootstrap

  • JavaScript

  • Gulp

  • React

  • Vue.JS

  • Git

  • SVN


The University of Texas at Arlington

  • Years: 2006 - 2010
  • Major: Communication Technology
  • GPA: 3.8 (overall) | 4.0 (major)
  • Honors:
    • Summa Cum Laude
    • Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society